- 論文の詳細を見る
Submarine fumaroles,"Tagiri" in Japanese, located in inner Kagoshima Bay have been frequently observed by a training ship NanseiMaru. The basic searching method is to keep the ship over the submarine fumaroles by finding bubbles spouting from them when asea surface is relatively calm, or by finding a certain vertical echo-sounding image of bubbles originated to submarine fumaroles whena sea surface is rough condition. Similar echo-sounding images to "Tagiri" have been obtained off Yamagawa Port located at a mouthof Kagoshima Bay. Submarine fumarole located off Yamagawa Port had been searched by a ROV. The fumarole discharge sand, waterand bubbles. Additional bubbles spouted from small vents in the area. The biological and sedimentary environments around fumaroleare widely different from the "Tagiri" area. The submarine fumarole discovered by this project is located at 31°-11'.912N, 130°-40'.333E(WGS) and the depth is 49.4m.
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