ままごと遊びの再考・・・(1) : ごっこ遊びの意義とままごと遊びの位置づけ(幼児教育)
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The playing is a children's natural activity. Among children's playing, pretend play is thought to be the most representative, and it is reported that in recent years, the pretend play by children is decreasing, and, kids who want to pretend to be pet animals are increasing. The researcher tries to confirm the said tendencies, and if they do exist, tries to find the cause. This paper examines the developmental process and content of actual family-related playing seen in different kindergartens. The author also hopes to elicit how the on-site educators value the pretend play. The preliminary researches show that the pretend play consists of four factors; making the situation, assigning roles, creating things, and assuming roles. And at the same time, they altogether become the driving force of the pretend play. Where these four factors were present, the pretend play developed fully. The author reports first, 'the initiation, development, and ending process' of the family-related play, by which the author explores the content children reproduce there by enriching the pretend play. Second, the report observes the daily life of children who positively enjoy the play to know what motivated them. Third, the next report will speculate on how the on-cite educators value the pretend plays themselves in the course of their nursing work.
- 2005-06-01
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