留学生と日本人学生の交流活動実践から見えてくるもの : 「気づき」を通した異文化間コミュニケーション能力の養成に向けて
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本稿は,異文化間コミュニケーションに関わる留学生と日本人学生の3つの交流活動の実践報告である。初めに,山形大学において,日本語研修コースの授業に日本人学生が参加した事例を紹介する。日本人学生は,留学生の発表の聴衆として質問したり,留学生のインタビューに答えるといった活動を通して,自らの日本語を見つめ直す機会を得た,と述べている。次に,山形大学で行っている「異文化交流会」の記録から,挨拶,非言語伝達,方言,若者言葉,子どものときの遊び等をテーマに話し合い,留学生,日本人学生ともに,普段気にとめずにいる事柄を意識化したり,考えたりするきっかけとしていく様子を観察する。最後に,山梨大学の留学生・日本人学生混在型授業「異文化間コミュニケーション」の報告では,ラーニング・ジャーナルを書くという活動を通して,いかに学生の学習の目的やプロセスに関する気づきや内省が促され,メタ認知知識が活性化されていったかを論じる。さらに,自己モニタリング能力を高め,異文化間コミュニケーション能力を身につけるという到達目標がどのように達成されたかを考察する。This paper is a practical report on three exchange activities concerning inter-cultural communication. First we present a case of Japanese language classes for international students at Yamagata University which Japanese students participated in. The Japanese students wrote in their reports that it had been an opportunity for them to take a close look at their own language through the activities such as asking questions to international students as an audience of presentation, and answering questions in an interview. Next, in the section reporting the meetings of Inter-cultural Exchange at Yamagata University, it is observed that the discussions on such things as greetings, nonverbal communication, dialect, colloquial speech of young people, and children's games provided a spark for both international and Japanese students to become aware of and to think about what they had rarely been conscious of. Lastly, the report on the Inter-cultural Communication course for both international students and Japanese students at Yamanashi University discusses how the students' awareness and reflection regarding the learning objectives and processes were encouraged, and in what way meta-cognitive knowledge-Person knowledge, Task knowledge and Strategic knowledge, was activated and enriched their active learning through writing a learning journal. Furthermore, it examines how the course objectives of developing self-monitoring skills and of acquiring inter-cultural communicative competence were attained.
- 2006-02-15
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