- 論文の詳細を見る
This study aims to clarify the forest structure and species composition of some forests that are on succession from deciduous secondary forests to potential natural forests of evergreen Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii with viewpoints of light condition of forest floors and seedlings' distribution. The first deciduous forest of vegetation type A in plot 4 would be correspond with Aphanantho-Celtidetum japonicae. The forest was dominated by deciduous trees but there were few seedlings and herbs because shrub layer was dense covered with evergreen Aucuba japonica. Then it would be difficult to success into evergreen forests without any disturbance. The next forest types, B, in plot 6 and 7 were Quercus serrata forests, which would be classified into Daphno pseudomezerei-Quercetum serratae. Linght condition on their forest floor was good enough not only for seedlings' germination and survival but also for herbs, leading high diversity of plant species. These type will success to evergreen forests in near future if human activity was cut out. The third type, C, in plot 2 and 5 were somewhat succeeded forest into evergreen Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii forest than type B, because the second tree layer and shrub layer was covered by evergreen trees of Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii even though crown layer was dominated by deciduous trees like forest type B. Then there were few species and individual of seedlings except evergreen Quercus myrsinaefolia. This type will change into evergreen forest in near future. The forth type of D in plot I and eight, on the other hand, was dominated by planted pine trees like Pinus denslflora and Pinus thunbergii but invaded by evergreen Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii in subtree and shrub layer. Though there were few seedlings and herbs because of the low rppfd due to such evergreen layers, the forests will success to evergreen Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii forest like vegetation type C. Vegetation type E in plot 3 was the nearest forcst to natural potential vegetation in this district. Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii dominated not only on lower layer but also the crown layer, suggesting that the forest would regenerate into the same forest type as climax forest. The forest floor had not necessarily had high value of rppfd but had many seedlings of Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii. This type of climax forest should be Ardisio-Castanopsietum sieboldii phytosociologically, which is the natural potential vegetation. The garden of the "Institute of Nature Study had varied types of forests. Some of them were on succession, and we can now observe the change of both forest structure and species composition in one time cross section. Such garden with various forest types on successional stages is rare, so should be important especially in Tokyo metropolis under high human activity.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 2001-12-10
島野 光司
島野 光司
島野 光司
島野 光司
島野 光司
和田 美貴代
池田 正
島野 光司
島野 光司/池田
和田 美貴代
島野 光司
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