- 論文の詳細を見る
This study, in our time of advanced technology, surveyed the current state of the lore of sea condition, fishing and weather, which has been succeeded from generation to generation for a long time among fishermen. Does it work effectively today? Is there any possibility that it is passed on to the future generation? How will it influence the fishing operation in the future? In the result, we could find some knowledge in relation to the trend of fishermen's consciousness about the lore as wells as their way of using the lore. That is; (1) From the result of questionnaire, it was perceived that the succession of the lore was insufficient. The younger fishermen's level of acknowledgement of the lore was low, although most of fishermen recognized the existence of the lore. Most of the lore which had been succeeded was related to the fish catch as well as the stormy sea and the unfavorable weather. (2) Many fishermen said the lore regarding the weather or the stormy sea would be useful even in the future. There were a lot of examples that the lore was actually used. However, some fishermen said they could perform fishing without depending on the lore in our time of advanced technology. Currently, many marine accidents have happened due to the lack of attention to the weather and the sea condition. Accordingly, it is conceivable that it contributes to the prevention of marine accidents if the lore is effectively used.
- 社団法人日本航海学会の論文
- 2005-09-25
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