- 論文の詳細を見る
The Tokugawa Shyogunate constructed buildings richly decorated with carves. In many cases, the carvers engaged in constructing the buildings of the Tokugawa Shougunate. This study deals with the carvers who belonged to the Tokugawa Shogunate by analizing the materials concerning the construction. The major clarified factors are written as following. The earliest example of a construction which carvers were engaged in was the construction of Nikko-Tosyogu shrine in 13th years of Kanei period (1636). They worked under the master-carpenter, named Koura Bungo. The master-carver, who directed the carvers appeared first at the renovation of Nikko-Tosyogu shrine in 3rd years of Genroku (1690). The master-carvers were through out the Edo era. Two families named Izumi and Takamatsu were in the position as the master-carver.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1990-05-30
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