小児気管支喘息に及ぼす生活要因に関する研究(第2報) : 症状経過とそれに関連する要因
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第1報(阪教大紀III~27~2)で報告した東大阪市内小学校の小児気管支喘息被患児童51名中追跡可能であった36名について2年後の症状を調査し,重症化,不変,軽快,全快に分け,重症度と生活要因との関連を検討した.1,2年間の症状経過は,全快・軽快が91.7%であり,重症化した者はいなかった.2,重症度と回復度の間には関係がみられなかった.3,発作の好発季節が冬に多い者は回復度が高く,梅雨時の者は回復度が低い傾向がみられた.4,積極的な治療(根本療法)をした者は約半数に効果が現われていた.5,母親の養育態度では,症状の回復につれて溺愛型は改善されていた.6,全快では,身辺,健康に関する事項についての不安は減少し,遊び,学習,交友面での不安が増大していた.The previous report dealts with the physical conditions of 51 primary school pupils in Higashi-Osaka City, who suffered from Asthma branchiale. Examination on the disease condition of 36 among these pupils were followed up for further two years. The results could be divided into the following four categories: 1) more serious illness than before, 2) unchanged, 3) showing slight recovery or improving, and 4) completely recovered. Main purpose of this report is to show the relations between the degree of the diseases of the school pupils and their living conditions. 1. The disease process of almost of the school pupils (91.7%) showed completely recovery during the two years. And there were fond no such pupils who became more serious illness than before. 2. There was no relation between the degree of the seriousness of diseases, and the recovering degree. 3. A tendencies was recognized that the recovering degree seemed to be related with the season. That is, the patients who showed frequent fits in winter time would recover with much high possibility, but those who showed fits mainly in the rainy season would hardly recover.. 4. About half of the patients who were subjected to an exhaustive treatment could get the satisfactory results is their recovery. 5. Regarding to the mother's attitudes against children, gradual improving was noted. 6. In the case of the complete recovery, worries about personal environments and health were found to be decreased, while more concern about playing, studying and friendly relations would be brought about.
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