Steady State Solutions of Diffusion Equations of Self-Interstitials and Vacancies in Silicon
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Self-interstitial and vacancy diffusion equations taking account of the sink and source of these point defects are analytically studied in the steady state, assuming local equilibrium between these point defects. To determine the physically reasonable solutions, behavior of the point defects at the bulk surface is required as the boundary condition; however this has not been well understood. Therefore, self-interstitial and vacancy concentrations at the bulk surface are tentatively adopted as parameters. It was found that the exact steady state solutions depend on the specimen thickness. Substituting the solutions in the case of dislocation-free silicon into approximate relations, the time t_I or t_V at which self-interstitials or vacancies reach the steady state is determined.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1995-12-15
下崎 敏唯
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chang-won National University
Okino T
College Of Liberal Arts And Sciences Nippon Bunri University
Okino Takahisa
College Of Liberal Arts & Sciences Nippon Bunri University
Shimozaki Toshitada
Center For Instrumental Analysis Dyushu Institute Of Technology
Onishi M
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Chang-won National University
Onishi Masami
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Takaue Ryoichi
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Kyushu Institute Of Technology
TAKAUE Ryoichi
Department of Material Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology
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