ブラケット端部からの疲労き裂発生伝ぱ挙動について : LPGキャリアタンクコーナー部材の疲労強度
- 論文の詳細を見る
Tank corner members of semi-membrane or prismatic independent tanks are one of the most important structural members of LPG carriers. As most tank corner members are furnished with brackets, fatigue crack initiation at a bracket end weld toe and propagation along the bead toe are throughly investigated in the paper. Two types of loading patterns were employed in fatigue tests ; 1) Constant amplitude loading and 2) random loading which simulated actual load exerted upon the tanks of LPG carriers. It was confirmed through the experiment that fatigue crack initiated at a bracket end weld toe and propagated along the bead toe. In the paper, the authers presented a method of analysing the fatigue strength of the weld joint between tank corner member and the bracket. In the analysis, stress categories were classified and the effect of structural discontinuity due to the bracket and stress concentration due to weld bead were fully taken into account.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1979-12-30
- き裂開閉口挙動に基づく疲労き裂伝播特性の検討 : 第1報
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- き裂開閉口を考慮した疲労き裂伝播モデル〔含 討論〕
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- ブラケット端部からの疲労き裂発生伝ぱ挙動について : LPGキャリアタンクコーナー部材の疲労強度
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