Model Experiments of Ship Capsize in Astern Seas-Second Report-〔含 討論〕
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Capsizing experiments were carried out for both models of container ship and purse seiner running in regular and irregular astern seas. Dangerous situations in ship speed and heading angle of ship to waves are experimentally and analytically investigated for the phenomena which are the so-called harmonic and parametric resonance, pure loss of stability, surf-riding and broaching-to. An analytical approach was attempted to investigate profoundly the dynamics of ship motions 'and capsizing in severe astern seas. The results of the analytical approach by making use of computer program are in a good agreement with experiments.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
浜本 剛実
Fukui University Of Technology
菅 信
Ship Research Institute
高石 敬史
Nihon University
浜本 剛実
Osaka University
世良 亘
Graduate School, Osaka University
榎本 孝史
Hamamoto Masami
Osaka University
Enomoto Takashi
Osaka University
Sera Wataru
Graduate School, Osaka University
Panjaitan P.James
Graduate School, Osaka University
Ito Hiroto
Graduate School, Osaka University
Takaishi Yoshifumi
Nihon University
Kan Makoto
Ship Research Institute
Haraguchi Tomihiro
Ship Research Institute
Fujiwara Toshifumi
Ship Research Institute
Panjaitan P.james
Graduate School Osaka University
Ito Hiroto
Graduate School Osaka University
Sera Wataru
Graduate School Osaka University
榎本 孝史
榎本 孝史
Osaka University
伊藤 弘人
Graduate School, Osaka University
原口 富博
Ship Research Institute
藤原 敏文
Ship Research Institute
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