- 論文の詳細を見る
The alga forming the subject of this communication was found b S. YAGI three years ago. After careful examination this proved to be a new species of the genus Nemalionopsis SKUJA. The genus was founded on a single species, N. Shawi SKUJA, from the Philippines, and this is the discovery of a second representative of nemalionopsis. Nemalionopsis tortuosa YONEDA et YAGI, nov. sp. Frons filiformis, cylindracea, lubrica, tortuosa, griseo-violacea, 5-30 (raro ad 42) cm alta et 360-900 μ crassa ; fila alterna et crebro ramosa, rami varie longi. Stratum medullare filamentosum, ramulos corticales numerosos gerens. Cellulae medullae fibrosae, 3-7 μ crassa, 4-15 plo longiores, cellulae ramulorum corticalium 3-9 μ crassae, 1-4 plo longiores, chromatophoris I vel raro 2, pyrenoidibus praetis, obscuris. Monosporangia apices ramulorum corticalium terminantia, obovata, ad 18 μ longa, 9-12 μ crassa. fronds filiform, cylindrical, solitary or usually caespitose, rising from simple discs or often from short prostrate creeping filaments, soft and slimy, chestnut-brown in colour when fresh. plant with a more or less traceable percurrent stem, richly laterally branched, filaments flexuously twisted in particular mode and loosely entangled. branches irregularly lateral, patent, when young placed almost perpendicular to the main axis, the first branches elongate and sometimes longer than the axis, provided with lessersorts of the second or rarely third order. Plant attains a height of 5-30 cm, rarely up to 40 cm or more, and its thickness measures usually 400-840 μ , while 900 μ or more in thicker portions. Fronds composed of central medullary bundle and peripheral cortical layer. the medullary cells long, 3-7 μ in diameter and up to 15 times in length. the peripheral assimilatory branches arising almost perpendicular from the central medullary portion, several times branch in fastigiato-dichtomous manner ; cells more or less cylindrical in the lower part, 3-7 μ in diameter and up to 20 μ in length, elliptical or barrel-shaped in the upper part, 4-9 μ in diameter and 5-17 μ in length. Monospores formed singly in oblong sporangia, which made from the terminal cells of short branches. Nom. Jap. Okiti-moduku (S. YAGI). Hab. On stones in a shallow stream running in shady place. Kawakami-mura, Onsen-gun, prov. Iyo. The authors wish, in conclusion, to express their great indebtedness to Prof. Dr. G. KOIDZUMI, for his guidance and criticism throughout this work.
- 日本植物分類学会の論文
- 1940-06-10
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- 根来健一郎氏:-満州産陸水藍藻類(川村多実二編:関東州及満州国陸水生物調査書,pp.523-538,第1-13図,図版I,Å-D,図版II,A-D,昭和十五年三月).
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- 李良慶, 雲南淡水藻類植物記一,二
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- 北海道に於ける温泉藻類の研究(1)
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- 日本藍藻類第三
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- 李良慶, 青島淡水藻類植物記
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