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A new apparatus to measure the extra-weak chemiluminescence based on single photo-electron counting method was constructed and some working conditions for this apparatus were examined experimentally. The upper limit of the intensity of input light for quantitative determination in this apparatus is about 10^<-12> W and the lower one is about 6×10^<-16> W. Luminol was determined by the use the apparatus in 0.1 pg order of the magnitude by its oxidative reaction system. Small quantities of ATP (10^<-13> mol) and NADH (10^<-13> mol) were also determined in the firefly and bacterial luciferase system, respectively.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1978-04-25
熊木 健治
西井 易穂
熊木 健治
熊木 健治
中外製薬 綜合研:昭和大(歯)生化学
熊木 健治
熊木 健治
畑 俊一
水野 光司
水野 光司
富岡 穂一
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