- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1985-04-01
上杉 晴一
上杉 晴一
上杉 精一
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Osaka University
上杉 晴一
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Osaka University
- Activity of Artificial Mutant Variants of Human Growth Hormone Changes in Charged Residues around 62-67
- Activity of Artificial Mutant Variants of Human Growth Hormone Deficient in a Disulfide Bond between Cys53 and Cys165
- Polynucleotides. XLVIII. Synthesis and Template-Directed Polymerization of Tri-(adenylic Acid) having a 2'-O-(o-nitrobenzyl) Group at the 3'-End
- 解明進むRNA結合タンパク質,リボザイムの構造と機能 第22回核酸化学シンポジウムのトピックスから
- Molecular Dynamics and Free Energy Perturbation Calculations on the Mutation of Tyrosine 45 to Tryptophan in Ribonuclease T_1
- Interaction of Bleomycin with Deoxyribonucleic Acid Oligomer : Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Titration Study Using Novel Bleomycin Complexes with Ni^ and VO^
- Synthesis and Expression of a Gene for Human Tumor Necrosis Factor
- 医薬学領域における蛋白質工学
- Synthesis of a Gene Coding for Human Lysozyme
- Synthesis and Properties of d(ATACGCGTAT) and Its Derivatives Containing One and Two 5-Methylcytosine Residues. : Effect of the Methylation on Deoxyribonucleic Acid Conformation
- Z-DNA研究の進歩 (1983年の化学-4-)
- 核酸の立体構造を決定する因子 : 特にグリコシド結合まわりのコンホメーションのらせんの巻き方に対する影響について
- 生化学からみた高分子合成--核酸の合成を中心として (他分野からみた高分子)
- 薬剤によるDNA鎖の切断反応 (1982年の化学-4-)
- Polynucleotides. LXIII. Solution Conformation of Oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing an Alternating dC-dG Sequence which can form a Left-handed Double Helix
- Studies on Nucleosides and Nucleotides. LXXXVIII. : Purine Cyclonucleosides. XLIII. : ^C NMR Spectra of 2'-Substituted 2'-Deoxyadenosines. Substituent Effects on the Chemical Shifts in the Furanose Ring System
- Polynucleotides. LXI. Synthesis and Properties of Dinucleoside Monophosphates Containing 8,2'-S-Cycloadenosine and 8,2'-S-Cycloinosine Residues. Sequence Dependency of the Stability of the Stacking Conformation
- Polynucleotides. LV. Synthesis and Properties of Dinucleoside Monophosphates derived from Adenine 8,2'-S- and Uracil 6,2'-O-Cyclonucleosides. Further Support for the Left-Handed Stacking of Oligonucleotides having High-Anti Base Torsion Angles
- Polynucleotides. LIII. Synthesis and Properties of 2'-Azido-2'-deoxyadenylyl-(3'-5')-2'-azido-2'-deoxyadenosine
- Polynucleotides. LIII. Conformation of Dinucleoside Monophosphates containing 8-Methyladenosine Residue as studied by Proton Magnetic Resonance
- Studies on Nucleosides and Nucleotides. LXXXI. : Carbon-13 Magnetic Resonance Spectra of 8-Substituted Purine Nucleotides. Effects of Various Phosphate Groups on the Chemical Shifts and Conformation of Nucleotides
- Studies on Nucleosides and Nucleotides. LXXXVIII. : Purine Cyclonucleosides. XLIII. : ^C NMR Spectra of 2'-Substituted 2'-Deoxyadenosines. Substituent Effects on the Chemical Shifts in the Furanose Ring System
- Polynucleotides. LXI. Synthesis and Properties of Dinucleoside Monophosphates Containing 8,2'-S-Cycloadenosine and 8,2'-S-Cycloinosine Residues. Sequence Dependency of the Stability of the Stacking Conformation
- Polynucleotides. LV. Synthesis and Properties of Dinucleoside Monophosphates derived from Adenine 8,2'-S- and Uracil 6,2'-O-Cyclonucleosides. Further Support for the Left-Handed Stacking of Oligonucleotides having High-Anti Base Torsion Angles
- Polynucleotides. LIII. Synthesis and Properties of 2'-Azido-2'-deoxyadenylyl-(3'-5')-2'-azido-2'-deoxyadenosine
- Polynucleotides. XXXIV. Ultraviolet Absorption and Circular Dichroism of ApUpG Analogs containing Modified Adenosine Residues
- Studies of Nucleosides and Nucleotides. LVI. A Versatile Method for the Synthesis of 8-Mercaptoadenosine Nucleotides
- Studies of Nucleosides and Nucleotides. LV. Reaction of Cytidine 5'-Monophosphate with p-Toluenesulfonyl Chloride
- RNAは酵素にもなる : 生体内でのRNAの意外な機能
- 酸素活性をもつRNA(リボザイム) -多様な機能を持つ新しい生体触媒-
- 池原森男先生, 大塚栄子先生学士院賞受賞
- 第14回IUPAC天然物化学シンポジウム
- 第5回核酸化学シンポジウム
- オリゴヌクレオチドの鋳型合成 (タンパク質合成系の起源)
- 2′-ハロゲノ-2′-デオキシアデノシンを含むジヌクレオシド=モノホスファ-トの合成とその性質 (生物活性物質)
- Studies of Nuclesides and Nucleotides.XXXI.Reaction of Nitrous Acid with Mono- and Di-esters of Phosphoramidate
- Polynucleotides. XII. Synthesis and Properties of Dinucleoside Monophosphates containing 8-Bromoadenosine
- Studies of Nucleosides and Nucleotides. XLIII. Purine Cyclonucleosides. (10). Optical Rotatory Dispersion and Circular Dichroism of Adenine 8-Cyclonucleosides
- 生化学からみた高分子合成 : 核酸の合成を中心として
- Studies of Nucleosides and Nucleotides. XXXVIII. Synthesis of 8-Bromoadenosine Nucleotides
- タイトル無し