- 論文の詳細を見る
Nitrogen trichloride (NCl_3) is considered as a material with unpleasant odor and causing eye irritation in swimming pool. The formation of NCl_3 depends on pH and molecular ratio of chlorine to ammonia. When NCl_3 was measured by Palin's neutral ortho-tolidine method with oxalic acid, false NCl_3 not extracted with CCl_4 was observed in the determination of chlorine solution containing a certain organic nitrogen compound such as isocyanuric acid (ICA), hypoxanthine, and dimethyl urea. The false NCl_3 disappeared by lengthening the contact time with oxalic acid. In order to measure NCl_3 without influence of coexistence of these compounds, NCl_3 was extracted with CCl_4,and the chlorine of NCl_3 in CCl_4 layer was mesured by iodometric method. By use of this CCl_4-extraction method, the effect of ICA on the formation of NCl_3 from ammonia and chlorine was studied. The quantity of NCl_3 formed decreased by the addition of ICA. Isocyanuric acid had the same effect even when ammonia in solution was in the chemical form of monochloramine (NH_2Cl), and dichloramine (NHCl_2). When the dose of chlorine was less than that of breakpoint, ammonia in solution was decomposed without producing NCl_3. Thus the separate addition of chlorine gave a practical effect on the decrease of NCl_3 in the procedure of breakpoint chlorination.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1980-06-30
澤村 良二
立川 真理子
沢村 良二
日本大 薬
澤村 良二
立川 真理子
College of Pharmacy, Nihon University
立川 眞理子
立川 真理子
College Of Pharmacy Nihon University
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