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Isocyanuric acid (H_3Cy) has been used in outdoor pools as a chlorine stabilizer. For the evaluation of the influence of H_3Cy on the disinfection with chlorine, the inactivation rates for poliovirus (Lsc, 2ab strain) with sodium hypochlorite and dichloroisocyanuric acid (Cl_2HCy) (0.1-2.0 mg/l as available chlorine) containing various concentrations of H_3Cy (0.7-30 mg/l) were determined at pH 7 and 20℃. Two types of virus suspensions, one in a cell maintenance medium (MEM) and the other in phosphate buffered saline (PBS), were used to compare the effects of H_3Cy on the chloramine formation and its virus inactivation efficacy. The residual chlorine in the test solutions was determined simultaneously by the DPD method. The addition of H_3Cy had few effects on the chloramine formation and on the chlorine consumption. The chloramine formed in the test solutions showed less virus inactivation efficacy. The influence of H_3Cy on the virus inactivation rates was observed when free residual chlorine was determined in the test solutions. In the experiments of a virus suspension in PBS with chlorine at 0.4 mg/l as available chlorine, the rates decreased with an increase in H_3Cy concentrations, although the amounts of free residual chlorine in the test solutions were the same. The plots of survival ratios at each contact time against the H_3Cy/chlorine ratios showed good linearity. The product of the contact time and the slope of each line became nearly constant. These results suggest that the inactivation rates were dependent on the H_3Cy/chlorine ratios and the contact time, and also suggest that the change of the H_3Cy/chlorine ratio might shift the hydrolysis equilibrium between hypochlorite and chlorinated isocyanuric acid.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1998-12-31
手塚 雅勝
手塚 雅勝
沢村 良二
日本大 薬
澤村 良二
立川 真理子
College of Pharmacy, Nihon University
濟田 清隆
立川 眞理子
Tezuka M
Nihon University College Of Pharmacy
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