Defense Effects of a Traditional Chinese Medicine (Sho-Saiko-To) against Metabolic Disorders during Endotoxemia : Approached from the Behavior of the Calcium Ion
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The present study was carried out as an approach from intracellular Ca^<2+> to clarify the preventive effects of a traditional Chinese medicine, Sho-saiko-to (Kampo prescription, TJ-9), against various metabolic disorders during endotoxemia. In this experiment, we estimated the cytosolic-free Ca^<2+> concentration ([Ca^<2+>]_i) in liver single cells using a photonic microscope system. The [Ca^<2+>]_i in a single liver cell of endotoxin (6 mg/kg, i.p.)-injected mice was greater at 18 h post-intoxication than that in the control, whereas the administration of endotoxinin to TJ-9 (500mg/kg/d, p.o.)-pretreated mice resulted in a markedly lower level of [Ca^<2+>]_i than that in endotoxin-treated mice. In the mice pretreated with TJ-9,the Ca^<2+>-ATPase activity in liver plasma membrane 18 h after endotoxin injection was markedly increased as compared to that in the endotoxin-treated mice. By contrast, the Ca^<2+>-ATPase activity in liver mitochondria was lower in endotoxemic mice pretreated with TJ-9 than in mice given endotoxin alone. State 3 respiration and the respiratory control index (RCI), which are the parameters of mitochondrial function, were 41% and 35% lower, respectively, in the liver of mice given endotoxin than those levels in the control. However, the levels of state 3 and RCI in endotoxin-TJ-9-treated mice were markedly increased as compared to those of the endotoxin-treated mice. These findings suggest the protective effect of TJ-9 in the damage of liver mitochondrial function in endotoxin-poisoned mice. Kampo prescription Sho-saiko-to may protect some of the the various metabolic disorders caused by the change in Ca^<2+>-mobility in the ischemic state of tissues during endotoxemia.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1994-02-15
坂口 修平
坂口 修平
横田 勝司
横田 勝司
坂口 修平
First Department of Hygienic Chemistry Tohoku College of Pharmacy
横田 勝司
First Department of Hygienic Chemistry Tohoku College of Pharmacy
堤 栄二
First Department of Hygienic Chemistry, Tohoku College of Pharmacy
堤 栄二
First Department Of Hygienic Chemistry Tohoku College Of Pharmacy
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