Steroid Studies. XXXV. Gas Chromatography of Androstane and Pregnane Derivatives.(<特集>52)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Gas chromatographic behaviors of 32 kinds of androstane derivatives and 34 kinds of pregnane derivatives are demonstrated. The correlation between the structure and retention time is discussed.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1962-04-25
池川 信夫
津田 恭介
津田 恭介
the Institute of Applied Microbiology, University of Tokyo
池川 信夫
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
長谷川 弘子
Institute of Applied Microbiology, University of Tokyo
長谷川 弘子
Institute Of Applied Microbiology University Of Tokyo
田仲 小夜子
Institute Of Applied Microbiology University Of Tokyo
佐藤 良博
The Institute of Applied Microbiology, University of Tokyo
田仲 小夜子
The Institute of Applied Microbiology, University of Tokyo
長谷川 弘子
The Institute of Applied Microbiology, University of Tokyo
- The Configuration of 22-Hydroxycholesterol
- 赤堀先生を囲んで : 原始蛋白をめぐって
- Untersuchungen uber Steroide. LII. Aromatisierungsreaktion des geradlinig konjugierten Dienonsystems mittels Zink.
- Untersuchungen uber Steroide. LI. Aromatisierungsreaktion des kreuzkonjugierten Dienon-systems mittels Zink. (9)
- Studies on Hydrocarbons of Bombyx mori L.
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- Studies on Bile Acids and Bile Alcohols. II.Separation of Bile Acids by Gas Liquid Chromatography
- Rearrangement Reaction of 4,4-Dialkyl-5-en-3-one Steroids to A-Ring Aromatic Systems
- Tetrodotoxin. VII. On the Structures of Tetrodotoxin and its Derivatives
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- Uber die Konstitution und Konfiguration des Anhydrotetrodotoxins
- Stereochemistry of Steroids containing Aromatic A-Ring. IV. 9,10β-Epoxysteroid.
- Untersuchungen auf dem Gebiet der mikrobiologischen Umsetzung. XX. Hydroxylierung von Progesteron mittels Syncepharastrum racemosum COHN (5).
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- Untersuchungen uber Steroide. XLVI. Uber die vier Isomere des zum Progesteron gehorigen 14,15-Diols.
- Stereo-chemistry of Steroids Containing Aromatic A-Ring. III. Hydrogenation of 11β-Hydroxy-⊿^8-dehydroestrone.
- Steroid Studies. XLIII. An Aromatization Reaction of a Cross Conjugated Dienone System with Zinc. (8).
- Steroid Studies. XXXV. Gas Chromatography of Androstane and Pregnane Derivatives.(52)
- Untersuchungen auf dem Gebiet der mikrobiologischen Umsetzung. XI. Hydroxylierung von Progesteron in der 7α-, 7β-, 14α-, 15α- oder 15β-Stellung durch Helminthosporium sativum.
- Mikrobiologische Hydroxylierung der Steroide. X. Uber 7β, 15β-Dihydroxypregn-4-en-3,20-dion.
- Stereochemistry of Steroids containing Aromatic A-Ring. II. Reaction of 9α, 11α-Epoxyestrone.
- Untersuchungen uber Steroide. XIII. Mattox-Umlagerung von Reichsteins Substanz S bei der Ketalisierung mit 2-Methyl-2-athyl-1,3-dioxolan.
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- Untersuchungen auf dem Gebiet der mikrobiologischen Umsetzung. XIV. C_1-Dehydrierung von Reichsteins Substanz S Hydrocortison, Pregnenolon und Dehydroepiandrosteron durch Bacillus pulvifaciens. (1).
- Benzoyl Group Participation in Epoxide Ring Opening of 26-Benzoxy-24,25-epoxycholesterol Derivatives ; Reinvestigation of the Stereochemistry
- 表紙 宇佐美圭司作「閉ざされた扉」について
- 表紙「The Research」について
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- 勝つためのチーム作り
- オクテット
- Effects of Cholesterol Analogs on Cholesterol Biosynthesis from Lanosterol
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- Gas Chromatography of C_, C_, and C_ Sterols
- Application of NMR to Stereochemistry. (I). The Spatial Interaction Effect of the Hydroxyl Group to Methyl Resonance.(53)
- Untersuchungen uber Steroide. XXVIII. Stereochemie des 15α-sowie des 15β-Hydroxy-progesterons.
- Ueber die vier Isomere des zum Progesteron gehorigen 14,15-Glykols
- Systematic Analysis of Steroids. VIII. Molecular Structure of C_ and C_ Steroid Derivatives and Retention Times in Gas Chromatography.
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- Studies on the Sterol of Bombyx mori.V. Lupeol in Silkworm Blood
- Studies on Coal Tar Bases. II. : Synthesis of Trimethylpyridines (1).
- Studies on the Coal Tar Bases. I. : Synthesis of Tetramethylpyridine.
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