A Comparative Study of the Usefulness of Toki-shakuyaku-san and An Oral Iron Preparation in the Treatment of Hypochromic Anemia in Cases of Uterine Myoma
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We prospectively studied and compared the usefulness of Kampo medicine (Sino-Japanese traditional herbal medicine) "Toki-shakuyaku-san" and an oral iron preparation in the treatment of hypochromic anemia associated with uterine myoma. The study subjects consisted of 25 patients who were diagnosed as having hypochromic mild to moderate anemia associated with menorrhagia attributable to uterine myoma. They were divided into the Toki-shakuyaku-san group (n=10) and the oral iron group (n=15). We monitored the blood counts, subjective symptoms, and occurrence of side effects after oral administration of either preparation for 4 and 8 weeks in these subjects. In regard to the blood counts and improvement of the laboratory parameters of anemia, while marked improvement was observed in the oral iron group, no significant improvement was noted in the Toki-shakuyaku-san group. On the other hand, in terms of improvement of the signs and symptoms of anemia, such as facial pallor, spoon-shaped nails and dizziness, the latter group also showed significant improvement. In addition in the Toki-shakuyaku-san group, resolution of symptoms such as hypermenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, feeling cold, dizziness, headache and shoulder stiffness was also noted. While side effects were encountered in 80.0% of patients in the oral iron group, no significant side effects were observed in the Toki-shakuyaku-san group. From these findings, it is considered that Toki-shakuyaku-san may be useful for resolving the symptoms of mild or moderate anemia associated with uterine myoma.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2003-09-01
小高 雅信
金子 雅一
Department of Radiology, Shiga Medical Center for Adults
田代 眞一
赤瀬 朋秀
赤瀬 朋秀
田代 真一
赤瀬 朋秀
Department Of Clinical And Biomedical Sciences Showa Pharmaceutical University
赤瀬 智子
赤瀬 智子
Department of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences, Showa Pharmaceutical University
小野寺 敏
Department of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences, Showa Pharmaceutical University
上坊 敏子
Department of Gynecology, Kitasato University School of Medicine
松下 良
Division of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazaw
田代 眞一
Department of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences, Showa Pharmaceutical University
松下 良
Division Of Pharmacy And Health Sciences Graduate School Of Natural Science And Technology Kanazawa
小野寺 敏
金子 雅一
Department Of Clinical Pharmacology And Therapeutics Ehime University School Of Medicine
Onodera Satoshi
Department Of Cinical And Biomedical Sciences Showa Pharmaceutical University
Akase Tomoko
Department Of Cinical And Biomedical Sciences Showa Pharmaceutical University
Tashiro Shin-ichi
Department Of Cinical And Biomedical Sciences Showa Pharmaceutical University
上坊 敏子
Department Of Gynecology Kitasato University School Of Medicine
Jobo Toshiko
Department Of Gynecology Kitasato University School Of Medicine
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- A Comparative Study of the Usefulness of Toki-shakuyaku-san and An Oral Iron Preparation in the Treatment of Hypochromic Anemia in Cases of Uterine Myoma
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- 漢方薬の薬理(生薬から漢方を考える,ワークショップ3,特別演題,第57回日本東洋医学会学術総会)
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- 2 症例に見る漢方薬理 : 適正な使用と服薬指導のために(第11回日本東洋医学会関東甲信越支部新潟県部会)
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- P-117 産科病棟におけるアンケート調査と薬剤管理指導業務対象患者背景に関する報告(5.薬剤服用歴管理・服薬指導(入院患者服薬指導),"薬剤師がつくる薬物治療"-薬・薬・学の連携-)
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- 和漢薬による糖尿病病態の改善
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- 総論:漢方薬の適正使用 (特集 漢方薬の適正使用)
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- 臨床から学ぶ医療薬学(20)女性への投薬(1)
- 臨床から学ぶ医療薬学(24・完)腹痛から考えること(2)
- 臨床から学ぶ医療薬学(21)女性への投薬(2)