Estimation of Absorbed Dese Using Activity Measured by PET for Continuous Inhalation of C^<15>O_2 and ^<15>O_2
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In our positron emission tomography (PET) studies, mesurement is carried out during C^<15>O_2, ^<15>O_2 and C^<15>O gas inhalation. The radiation absorbed dose was estimated by the MIRD method from measured cumulative redioactivity in organs and remainder of the body. The radiation absorbed dose in 22 target organs including pharynx, larynx and trachea walls were estimated using the radioactive concentration in 7 source organs (brain, pharynx-larynx, trachea, lung, heart, liver and ramainder of the body). These radioactive concentrations in organs were measured by PET scan in a normal volunteer during continuous C^<15>O_2 and ^<15>O_2 inhalation. The effective dose equivalents for 22 minutes of inhalation were found to be 5.81×10^<-4> mSv/MBq for C^<15>O_2 at 157 MBq/min and 4.64×10^<-4> mSv/MBq for ^<15>O_2 inhaled at 294 MBq/min.
- 公益社団法人日本放射線技術学会の論文
- 1998-06-20
上村 和夫
Kanno Iwao
Kanno I
Department Of Radiology And Nuclear Medicine Akita Research Institute Of Brain And Blood Vessels
Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Akita Research Institute of Brain and Blood Vessels
Kanno Iwao
Akita Research Institute Of Brain And Blood Vessels
Hatazawa Jun
Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Hatazawa J
Akita Res. Inst. Brain And Blood Vessels Akita Jpn
Hatazawa Jun
Department Of Radiology And Nuclear Medicine Akita Research Institute For Brain And Blood Vessels
Uemura K
Department Of Radiology And Nuclear Medicine Akita Research Institute Of Brain And Blood Vessels
Shoji Yasuaki
Research Institute For Brain And Blood Vessels-akita
Kanno Iwao
Department Of Radiology And Nuclear Medicine Akita Research Institute For Brain And Vessels
Rehabilitation Center for Physically Disabled Persons & Medical Center for Mental Health-Akita
Research Institute for Brain and Blood Vessels-Akita
Research Institute for Brain and Blood Vessels-Akita
Research Institute for Brain and Blood Vessels-Akita
Research Institute for Brain and Blood Vessels-Akita
Research Institute for Brain and Blood Vessels-Akita
Research Institute for Brain and Blood Vessels-Akita
Uemura K
Tokyo Metropolitan Inst. Gerontology Tokyo Jpn
Hachiya Takenori
Rehabilitation Center For Physically Disabled Persons & Medical Center For Mental Health-akita
Hatazawa Jun
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