日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 : IX.ナガゲジムカデの改形段階
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Esastigmatobius Silverstri is a distinctive genus found in Japan, Fomosa and South Korea. This paper deals with the larval stadia of Esastigmatobius longitarsis Verhoeff, together with a report of a new anamorphic type of the lithobimorphous chilopods. 1. E.longitarsis has five anamorphic stadia, these being as follows. a) Foetus. Milky white. Eight pairs of developed legs and eight tergites. Body length 2.5mm. Articles of antennae ten in number. No prosternal teeth. Embryonic somite bears only two legbuds. Tibia of all legs have each an acute-spur(Fig.1) b) Larva I.Pale white. Eight pairs of developed legs and eight tergitespresent. Body length about 3.5mm, articles of antennae fourteen, prosternal teeth 3+3, very small. Embryonic somite bears two leg-buds and one embryonic sternite. c) Larva II. Pale yellowish brown, Eight pairs of legs and eight tergites. Body about 4mm in length. Antennae with fourteen articles, prosternal teeth 3+3. In this stage, embryonic somite has two leg buds, two embryonic tergites and twosame sternites. Larva has the habit of feeding often on Collembola. d) Larva III. Ten tergites and ten pairs of legs developed. Body length 4.5-6.5mm, antennae with 20-24 articles, prosternal teeth 4+4 or 3+4. Tarsi of the first, the ninth and the tenth legs divided into 2, 3 and 5 segments. e) Larva IV Yellowish brown, With twelve pairs of legs. Body length 6-9mm, antennae 22-27 articles, prosternal teeth mostly 4+4, sometimes 4+5. Segments of tarsi similar in number to thoseof Larva III. Embryonic somite has three leg-buds, three embryonic sternites and two same tergites. 2. The order of the anamorphic development of leg-bearing segments of E.longitarsis is given in Table 2. Larvae of this species. as compared with the larvae of Lithobiidae (Lithobius, Bothropolys and Monotarsobius), arefound to have the following morphological characters. a) The former larvae differ in leg number from the latter. [table] b) In the first two stadia of larvae of E.longitarsis, Foetus and Larva I have two pairs of leg-buds in each, and the first pair of them is not so large as found in Lithobiidae. c) As shown in Table 2, the last six tergites of E. longitarsis (the 9th to the 14th) are embryonic at each stage. Contrary to this fact, in the Lighobiidae the 9th, 11th, 13th, tergites, which are small in size, are not embryonic.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1961-12-15
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生VI : ヒトフシムカデの1新種
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生XI : ヒラタヤスデの生活史(1)
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 : X ヤケヤスデの生活史
- 北海道産多足類の数種について
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生XXIV. : トゲイシムカデ(Henicopidae)の1新種
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生XXIII. : キンシャトリデヤスデの生活史についての二, 三の知見
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生XXII. : ヤスデの3新種
- ヤケヤスデの生活史についての訂正
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生XXI. : タメトモヤスデ科の1新属とクビヤスデ科の1新種
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 XX. : トリデヤスデの1新種とイシムカデの1新種
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 XIX. : ヒトフシムカデの2新種
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 XVIII : イヨハガヤスデの生活史(2)
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 : XVIIイヨハガヤスデの生活史(1)
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生XVI. : ハガヤスデ亜科の2新種
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 XV : フルイシムカデの1新種とその生長形態
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 XIV : フルイシムカデの1新種
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生XIII : ヒラタヤスデの生活史(3)
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生-14・15-
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生XII : ヒラタヤスデの生活史(2)
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生-10・11-
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 : IX.ナガゲジムカデの改形段階
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 : VIII.ホンイシムカデ亜属の分布と1新種
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 : VII.ミネコヒトフシムカデ : 1.雌の生長形態
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生V : モモブトイシムカデ : 3.触角と基節腺孔の数の変異
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 : IV.モモブトイシムカデ : 2.整形的発育段階
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 : III.モモブトイシムカデ 1.改形段階
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生-4・5-
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 : II.カマクラオオゲジ
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 : I.ゲジにおける有歩肢胴節の改形的発育とその背板の問題
- イッスンムカデの生活史
- ゲジの食性
- ゲジの生活
- ゲジの発育段階