日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 XX. : トリデヤスデの1新種とイシムカデの1新種
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1. Phrurodesmus kinshaensis sp. nov. Only known other species of the group ph. gracilips AKAKUWA (1943), from which it can be distinguished by the absence of prefemoral process of he gonopod, the longer aciculated solenomerite, and by the shape of keels. Length of males. 21-23mm, of females, 23-28mm, and width, 4-5mm, in both sexes. Tergites of living male specimens rich glossy dark violet, with anterior margin and both lateral area of metatergites violescent brown, and proximal half of keels bright orange. Colour of female inconspicuous pale violescent brown. Collum large, two times as long as the next matatergite. Keels are well developed, with the caudal angles on segments 5th through 19th produced. Anterior margin of keels 6th through 17th and posterior of 5th through 17th are serrulate. Repugnatorial pores normal in distribution, and the pores open laterad. Sternites of 4th through 6th segments of male with blunt triangular lobes adjacent to the coxae of legs, but in female without such sternal lobes. Distal processes of prefemora are seen after about 10th of legs. Tail of anal segment is well developed with two setiferous tubercules as the end. Gonopods are very characteristic. Coxa large, rectangular, and hair less. Prefemur rather broader, without any process. Femur curving a little laterad, heavily long setose at ventral surface. Tibiotarsus entirely long aciculated, directly elongate from the end of the femur. Solenomerite almost aciculated, elongated rarallel with tibiotarsus, somewhat longer than the tibiotarsus, and its diastal end slightly bend. Holotype: 1♂ (Length 23mm), Allotype: 1♀ (Length 28mm). Paratypes: 4♂, 6♀. All types are collected by the author. Typelocality: Kinsha-cho, Iyo-Mishima, Ehime Pref. May 17, and June 21, 1963. Types are preserved in the author's collection. 2. Lithobious (Archlithobius) duplus sp. nov. This species belongs to group IV of Archlithobius (Murakami, 1963), and it can be easily distinguished from other species of the group by the presence of a spine on the second joint of the female gonopod. Body length 14-15mm, colour is dark brown. Cephalic plate wider than long (W. 42: L. 38), posterior margin slightly incurved. Antennac with 20-22 articles, all articles longer than width. Ocelli consisting of 7 or 8 in three series. Prosternal teeth 2+2, the median sinus U-shaped, and the margin angulated near the outer tooth. Tarsi of all legs distinctly divided, each pretarsus with two accessory claws. Plectrotaxy of holotype is shown in Table 1. Coxal pores 5-6, 5, 5, 5, small and circular. Gonopods of female with 3+3 or 4+3 basal spines, and the second joint, moreover, with similar spine as shown in figures. Claw acutely beak-shaped. Male is unknown. Holotype: 1♀. Typelocality: Mt. Irazu (near Mt. Higashi-akaishi), Uma-gun Ehime Pref. 1 female; Mar. 3, are 1960. 2 females; Mar. 21, 1961. All specimens are collected by the author, and they preserved in author's collection.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1965-05-15
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生VI : ヒトフシムカデの1新種
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生XI : ヒラタヤスデの生活史(1)
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 : X ヤケヤスデの生活史
- 北海道産多足類の数種について
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生XXIV. : トゲイシムカデ(Henicopidae)の1新種
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生XXIII. : キンシャトリデヤスデの生活史についての二, 三の知見
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生XXII. : ヤスデの3新種
- ヤケヤスデの生活史についての訂正
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生XXI. : タメトモヤスデ科の1新属とクビヤスデ科の1新種
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 XX. : トリデヤスデの1新種とイシムカデの1新種
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 XIX. : ヒトフシムカデの2新種
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 XVIII : イヨハガヤスデの生活史(2)
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 : XVIIイヨハガヤスデの生活史(1)
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生XVI. : ハガヤスデ亜科の2新種
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 XV : フルイシムカデの1新種とその生長形態
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 XIV : フルイシムカデの1新種
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生XIII : ヒラタヤスデの生活史(3)
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生-14・15-
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生XII : ヒラタヤスデの生活史(2)
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生-10・11-
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 : IX.ナガゲジムカデの改形段階
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 : VIII.ホンイシムカデ亜属の分布と1新種
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 : VII.ミネコヒトフシムカデ : 1.雌の生長形態
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生V : モモブトイシムカデ : 3.触角と基節腺孔の数の変異
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 : IV.モモブトイシムカデ : 2.整形的発育段階
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 : III.モモブトイシムカデ 1.改形段階
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生-4・5-
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 : II.カマクラオオゲジ
- 日本産普通多足類の後胚発生 : I.ゲジにおける有歩肢胴節の改形的発育とその背板の問題
- イッスンムカデの生活史
- ゲジの食性
- ゲジの生活
- ゲジの発育段階