- 論文の詳細を見る
The substance of cultural education of dietary habits that should be practiced in the actual scenes of school lunch service and its viewpoints were studied as a current problem. After confirming the definition of "culture of dietary habits," as the preceded research works concerning cultural education of dietary habits on school lunch service were looked over, it became clear that three researchers-Fujiwara, Miyahara and Kanoh-mentioned their own views on how to comprehend it. They were of perfect accord in the point that the substance of cultural education of dietary habits included not only regional traditional dishes and dishes for special occasions, but also the way of rice cooling, material of tableware the relationship between children and people involved in the provision of school lunch, and other diverse things. They also thought all of these things to be factors that should be individually discussed. Taking these matters into consideration, the authors proposed that three viewpoints, i.e., respect of human rights, upbringing of the sociality of children and relations to natural environment should be considered principally necessary for cultural education of dietary habits on school lunch service. In actual cases where three viewpoints were adopted to school lunch service, it was ascertained that cultural education of dietary habits was put into practice as a significant work.
- 1998-02-15
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