<論文>佐賀県杵島地域における家畜尿有効利用の取り組みと課題 : 環境コストから資源循環型農業へ
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It is possible to return livestock's urine to environment safely and to reuse it as resource through biological decomposition. Most of livestock's urine, however, is disposed of unsuitably, and it is regarded as one of prime causes of water pollution now. Since 1999,livestock farmers are obligated to dispose of livestock's urine suitably by law. In the other words, livestock farmers have to pay the cost of livestock's urine disposition. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects and problems of the recircular process of livestock's urine practiced in Kishima area Saga Prefecture. In Kishima area, livestock's urine is reused as liquid fertilizer with a kind of simple process, by which livestock's urine simply mixed with some phosphoric acid and silicone is used as one kind of liquid fertilizer in paddy fields. The merits of the disposition process to livestock farmers can be concluded as : firtly, the cost of livestock's urine disposition can be cut considerably, secondly, farmland can be reserved by recirclar use of livestock's urine, and thidly, the labor burdan bearing with livestock's urine disposition can be lightened greatly. As well the merits to cultivation farmers include : to lighten the labor burdan of fertilizer spreading, to cut the cost of the chemical fertilizer, to improve the quality of rice and to stabilize the yield of rice, to provide the high value-added agricultural products. The technique of recirclar use of the livestock's urine for the liquid fertilizer was developed from the viewpoint of intra-regional circular use. Therefore, it is hopeful to convert the social cost of environment conservation for the regional common benefits into farmer's individual cost economically by this way.
- 長崎大学の論文
- 2002-04-30
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