- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of the present paper is to investigate factors related with swallowing threshold ceased from mastication and beginning on swallowing in feeding. It seems that the number of masticatory strokes and the size of masticated foods were most important for swallowing threshold. Therefore, in this experiment, the variation of the number of masticatory strokes was examined by tests of ten times, feeding raw rice, and the relationship between the number of masticatory strokes and masticatory performance or size of foods in swallowing was investigated. The results obtained were as follows : 1. The number of masticatory strokes for 5g peanuts to swallowing on 21 subjects were average 43.5±17.3 times and coefficient of variation was 39.5%. This value of each subject was different with one another. The masticatory performance of these subjects was average 4.5±0.6 Kg.cm/g. The correlation coefficient of masticatory performance and the number of masticatory strokes was 0.11, there was no correlation between them. 2. The coefficient of variation for the number of masticatory strokes in same individual examined by repeating tests masticated 1g raw rice to swallowing on 15 subjects was 11.1%. This value of each individual was stable relatively. The distribution of particle size of raw rice masticated by same number of strokes as this test was following the Rosin-Rammlar comminution rule. There was no correlation between the volume of test foods passed through 100 mesh of a sieve and the masticatory performance. 3. The smaller the particle size of raw rice pulverized by a mortar, the fewer the number of masticated strokes.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1982-06-25
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