- 論文の詳細を見る
Two kinds of catalytic effects of metal ions on the electrochemical reduction of nitrate ions at mercury electrodes are discussed. For the first group (Group A), consisting of metal ions, such as alkaline-earth, zirconium, etc., the nitrate is reduced at a more positive potential than the reduction potential of the above metal ions. For the second group (Group B) containing as molybdenum, uranium, etc., the nitrate is reduced at the reduction potential of metal ions, and is accompanied by the so-called catalytic enhancement of the reduction current of metal ions. In general, one of the chemical properties of Group A ions in aqueous solution is that they are proton producing when they polymerize with OH bridging while Group B ions consume protons to polymerize with oxygen bridging. It is suggested that, in both group ions, species having the hydroxyl group could play a very important role for the reduction of nitrate.
- 社団法人日本分析化学会の論文
- 1995-01-05
横井 邦彦
横井 邦彦
小川 信明
Faculty Of Engineering And Resource Science Akita University
池田 重良
小川 信明
池田 重良
横井 邦彦
横井 邦彦
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- 快適な暮らしのサイエンス
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- 第 15 回化学教育講演会およびパネル討論会
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- 3炎光分析および原子吸光分析
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