活性スラッジによる産業廃水の処理に関する研究 : (第8報)と場廃水の処理について
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The wastes from a slaughterhouse are highly putrescible, become septic quickly, have a high oxygen demand and a disagreeable odor. The total volume of the wastes are about 0.5m^3 per head of hog, and 1.5m^3 per head of cattle. This paper discusses the activated sludge treatment for the total waste.The used waste had a pH value of 7.4 to 7.5,suspended solids of 176 to 385 ppm, total nitrogen of 190 to 511 ppm, COD of 620 to 1,350 ppm and BOD of 1,245 to 3,360 ppm.By the batch wise test, the loading of the waste was determined from the aeration time required for the reduction of COD presented. It was found that the maximum COD loading was 1.5 kg per cubic meter per day. The pre-dilution of the waste had no influence upon the purification effect.The waste was treated continuously with the various loadings. In the range of the COD loading of from 0.7 to 1.4 kg per cubic meter per day, COD and BOD were reduced more than 90% from the original waste. However, when the COD loading was raised to 2.1 kg per cubic meter per day, the purification effect dropped remarkably.For the purpose of the simplification of the waste treatment for a smaller slaughterhouse, the batch treatment system was studied. When the waste was added to the activated sludge at intervals of from every day to every seven days, COD were reduced more than 90% respectively similar to the continuous treatment. As a result, it seems that the batch treatment system is the suitable process for the slaughterhouse of a smaller scale or of intermittent operation.The settleability of the activated sludge was comparatively high; the sludge volume index was 60 to 70. The amount of the sludge produced during the purification process was about 0.5 kg in dryness per kilogrtam of BOD added.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1964-12-25
小川 誠
小野 英男
太宰 宙朗
野村 滋男
太宰 宙朗
太宰 宙朗
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