- 論文の詳細を見る
Mercurial compounds are generally toxic for organisms, but some of them have been used extensively in agriculture and industry. Therefore, they are assumed to be spread ultimately in soil and in industrial waste. It would be important to investigate the presence of mercury in nature. The present paper deals with change of a mercurial compound in activated sludge.Activated sludge was cultured in a synthetic sewage containing 0.05 per cent glucose, 0.05 per cent peptone, and 0.05 per cent KH_2PO_4 with or without a mercurial compound. ^<203>Hg-labelled mercuric chlorids (MC) and ^<203>Hg-labelled phenylmercuric acetate (RMA) were used in this investigation. Fresh sewage was added to the culture three times a day in replacement of supernatant fluid taking one third of the culture. The removal rate of COD was maintained over 90 per cent, but even so the concentration of the activated sludge was constant during 16 days' culture, when MC or PMA was added to the sewage making their final concentrations 10 ppm and 5 ppm respectively. Under this condition change of the mercurial compound was observed. When the mercurial compound was added to a mercury-adsorbent sludge, vaporization of mercury from the culture was observed. The amount of adsorbed mercury, however, gradually increased by a semicontinous addition of mercury, and ultimately an equilibrium among reactions, adsorption and vaporization was observed. Adsorbed mercury was extracted by Schneider's method. Mercury was found in a hot NaOH-soluble fraction as well as in an insoluble fraction. Since these fractions contained much protein, the mercury appeared in complex with protein. The internal distribution of mercury in sludge was examined, after a mercury-adsorbent sludge was disrupted mechanically, and then fractionated by differential centrifugation. Mercury was found chiefly in the supernatant fraction obtained by centrifugation at 5000×g for 15 min when a mercury compound was added to sludge unacclimated to the compounds, whereas it was found in a pellet fraction obtained by centrifugation at 1000×g for 15 min when the compound was added to acclimated sludge.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1969-02-25
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