- 論文の詳細を見る
An evaluation of the visual field of a tractor operator was analyzed from photographs taken by a camera with a fish-eye lens. The visual fields of 11 types of tractors were insufficient for tractor operators, judging from "Visibility Arrangements" by ISO/TC 127. The visibility of a solid angle suggested that the main objects of the field that were invisible to the front were cabins, bonnets, and exhaust pipes. The operator's eye fixation was analyzed from three types of tractor operators' eye movements by an eye camera in each of four phases of operating. The operators tend to concentrate their fixations close ahead and to the sides of the roads, crawler (or wheel) , obstacles on the site, winches of the tractors, skidded logs, choker men, and attached dozers (or shovels) . In cable skidding, the operators of two crawler-type tractors face just to the rear, Iooking at the winches, but a one wheel-type tractor operator faced to the right-rear, as if stopping in the bending position of the back part. When unloading at the landing, the operator of this wheel-type tractor and one of crawler-type tractors concentrated their attentions on the skidded logs and dozers (or shovels) , as their solid angles were small, but the other crawler-type tractor operator looked at them over the rim of the dozer. The results that the solid angles for dozers (or shovels) and crawlers (or wheels) are small in spite of the operators concentrating their fixations on them, are considered a serious problem.
- 日本森林学会の論文
- 1992-05-01
- はじめに
- ロングリーチグラップルを用いた間伐作業システムの開発 : 諸条件が木寄生産性に与える影響(システム化林業への挑戦)
- 架線系集材作業における先行集材システムと連携作業システムの生産性比較 : 熊本モデル林におけるスイングヤーダによる列状間伐事例(システム化林業への挑戦)
- 平成21年度森林利用学会現地検討会の報告
- 安全で優れた伐倒技術--林業における伝統的伐倒と安全作業
- スイングヤーダによる集材作業の実態と安全作業に関する考察
- 効率的な作業機械と路網整備による搬出コスト低減技術の開発
- 森林機械化作業のための地理的条件の評価 : 路網から作業対象域までの到達距離の分布の検討
- 国産材価格を考慮した利用間伐による森林バイオマス搬出可能量の推定
- P206 バンド式乾燥機を用いたスギ樹皮の乾燥特性(ポスター発表)