Fetal Heart Malformations in Experimental in Hyperphenylalaninemia Pregnant Rats
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本先天異常学会の論文
- 1989-03-30
Tani Mayumi
Department Of Pediatrics Osaka City University Medical School
Tani Mayumi
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Integrated Arts And Sciences The University Of Tokushima
Department of Physics, Kobe University
Matsumura Masahiro
Department Of Material Science Faculty Of Science Kochi University
Matsumura Masahiro
Department Of Pediatrics Osaka City University Medical School
SUYAMA Itsujin
Department of Pediatrics, Osaka City University Medical School
Department of Pediatrics, Osaka City University Medical School
OKANO Yoshiyuki
Children's Medical Center of Osaka City
OURA Toshiaki
Osaka Municipal Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled,
Department of Toxicology and Teratology, Research Laboratories, Dainippon Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Isshiki G
Osaka City Univ. Medical School Osaka Jpn
Isshiki Gen
Department Of Pediatrics Osaka City University
Oura Toshiaki
Osaka Municipal Rehabilitation Center For The Disabled
Oura Toshiaki
Osaka City Rehabilitational Training Center
Suyama Itsujin
Osaka Municipal Rehabilitation Center For The Disabled
周山 逸人
Department of Pediatrics, Osaka City University Medical School
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