Low-Field Knight Shift Measurement at Sb Site for Alkaline-Earth Filled Skutterudites AFe_4Sb_<12> (A=Sr and Ca)(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
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^<121>Sb Knight shift K measurement has been carried out by applying a perturbing field to the nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) spectrum in alkaline-earth filled skutterudites AFe_4Sb_<12> (A=Ca and Sr), which are close to ferromagnetic instability. The hyperfine coupling constant was determined for the first time as -14.9kOe/μ_B f.u. from the K-_χ plot. This relatively large value suggests a strong Fe-Sb covalent bonding. The intrinsic spin susceptibility χ_<spin> derived from K markedly decreases at low temperatures after Curie-Weiss-like increase at high temperatures, which seems to be responsible for the absence of ferromagnetic order. Using the T-dependence of χ_<spin>, the unusual gap-like suppression of nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate divided by temperature 1/T_1T in our previous report is reasonably explained by assuming the spin dependent-term to be proportional to χ_<spin> and the gap-like suppression of the spin-independent term.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2008-06-15
高畠 敏郎
高畠 敏郎
Department Of Quantum Matter Adsm Hiroshima University:institute For Advanced Materials Research Hir
KATO Harukazu
Faculty of Science, Kochi University
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
田山 孝
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
高畑 敏郎
Takabatake Toshirou
Department Of Quantum Matter Adsm Hiroshima University
HAYASHI Katsuyuki
Department of Quantum Matter, ADSM, Hiroshima University
Kato H
Department Of Chemistry Graduate School Of Science Kyoto University
Kato Harukazu
Faculty Of Science Kochi University
Kato Harukazu
Department Of Material Science Faculty Of Science Kochi University
Kato H
Faculty Of Science Kwansei-gakuin University
Department of Physics, Kobe University
Department of Material Science, Faculty of Science, Kochi University
Department of Material Science, Faculty of Science, Kochi University
Matsuoka Eiichi
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Tohoku University
Matsuoka E
Department Of Quantum Matter Adsm Hiroshima University:(present Address)department Of Physics Gradua
Matsuoka Eiichi
Department Of Quantum Matter Adsm Hiroshima University
Hayashi Katsuyuki
Department Of Quantum Matter Adsm Hiroshima University
Matsumura M
Faculty Of Science Kochi University
Matsumura Masahiro
Department Of Material Science Faculty Of Science Kochi University
Nishikawa Takashi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Nagoya University
Nishioka Takashi
Faculty Of Science Kochi University
Nishioka Takashi
Department Of Materials Science Faculty Of Science Kochi University
Nishioka Takashi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Nagoya University
Kato H
National Institute For Minamata Disease
Sakurai Atsurou
Department Of Material Science Faculty Of Science Kochi University
高畠 敏郎
Kato Harukazu
Department Of Chemistry Graduate School Of Science Kyoto University
Takabatake T
Hiroshima Univ. Higashi-hiroshima Jpn
Takabatake Toshiro
Department Of Quantum Matters Adsm Hiroshima University
Nishioka Takashi
Department Of Applied Physics Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka City University
Matsumura Masahiro
Faculty Of Science Kochi University
Matsumura Masahiro
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kouchi University
Nishioka T
Department Of Materials Science Faculty Of Science Kochi University
HAYASHI Katsuyuki
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Shizuoka University
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- High-Quality Single Crystal Growth and Unique Electronic States under Magnetic Field and Pressure in Rare Earth and Actinide Compounds (Proceedings of International Workshop on Heavy Fermions : TOKIMEKI 2011)
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