食品の切り方および調味料の種類と煮える速さ : 馬鈴薯について
- 論文の詳細を見る
Experiments were made to know the effects of size and seasonings (salt and soy sauce) on cooking time of potatoes, and to apply the results in cooking practise. Experiment 1 : Cooking time of potatoes, cut into cubes of various dimensions. Experiment 2 : Cooking time of potatoes, cut into same thickness but with various volumes or surface areas. Experiment 3 : Cooking time of potatoes boiled with salt or soy sauce, with various salt concentration. Experiment 4 : Relationships between salt absorption rate and size, of cooking time. Results were : 1. Potatoes cut into larger cubes cooked faster considering its volume. 2. Potatoes cut into same thickness were cooked at the same time, regardless of the volume or the surface area. 3. Salt concentration had no significance on cooking time of potatoes boiled with salt or soy sauce under this experimental conditions. When salt concentration was higher than 2%, potatoes boiled with soy sauce was harder than that with salt. 4. Potatoes were seasoned even under the shortest cooking time. The larger ones had less salty taste because of their low salt absorption per weight.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 1978-12-31
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