106 ニアコンタクト領域における空気膜混成形トライパッドスライダの挙動解析(情報機器コンピュータメカニクス1 : ヘッド・ディスク・インタフェース)
- 論文の詳細を見る
We numerically investigated the tracking ability and the dynamic contact and friction forces of a 2-DOF model of a tripad slider over a random wavy disk surface in the near-contact regime. We clarified the effects of the front and rear air bearing stiffnesses, the nominal flying height and the coefficient of friction on the tracking ability and contact force. As a result, we found that the spacing variation due to the micro-waviness is strongly influenced not only by the slider dynamics but also by the distance of the head-gap position from the rear air bearing center. Finally, we investigated the effect of the length of slider rail by means of distributed air bearing model. The slider cannot follow the disk surface waviness which is shorter than the slider rail, so that the 3 short pads type tripad slider is desirable.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-03-23
- ニアコンタクト領域で生じる浮動ヘッドスライダの自励振動解析(機械力学,計測,自動制御)
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- ニアコンタクト領域で生じる浮動ヘッドスライダの自励振動解析(S62-3 HDI(1),S62 情報機器コンピュータメカニクス)
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- ニアコンタクト領域の粗さ接触/潤滑剤の吸着力を考慮した浮上ヘッドスライダの2自由度接触振動解析(機械力学,計測,自動制御)
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