薬剤アレルギーの発生機構に関する研究 : I. 臨床面からの検討
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To elucidate the mechanism of drug hypersensitivity, a clinical and statistical study was made on 1026 cases with a past history of drug hypersensitivity. Four hundred and twelve cases observed in our clinic from 1955 to 1968, 501 cases found in a mass survey of urban inhabitants and 113 cases with PAS-hypersensitivity hospitalized in four sanatoriums were subjected to this study. 1. It was confirmed that the incidences of subjects sensitive to pyrazolone derivatives and / or barbiturate and to long-acting sulfa-drugs in urban populations have rapidly increased in recent years. The relationship between the increased incidence of drug hypersensitivity and the increased production of these drugs in Japan was discussed. 2. Though drug hypersensitivity can develop in every age, a few cases had their first episodes of drug hypersensitivity under an age of ten years. 3. Neither total dosis of the drug nor frequency of its administration prior to the first episode of drug hypersensitivity had an intense influence on the development of drug hypersensitivity. 4. Drug-sensitive subjects had a higher incidence of allergic diseases in their family and / or past histories than non-sensitive subjects. Notwithstanding that each drug showed a tendency to procuce characteristic symptom respectively, it was noticed that these symptoms of drug hypersensitivity had a some relationship with symptoms of allergic disease in a past history. 5. Investigation on the intracutaneous skin test on 150 subjects with drug hypersensitivity revealed that the incidence of positive immediate reaction was correlated strongly with the type of hypersensitivity, the grade of severity of the symptoms, the kind of drugs, and the time elapsed after the last hypersensitive manifestation. In passive transfer test, the positive reaction was occasionally elicited by either oral or parenteral administration of an approriate drug even in the case in whom the reaction was not elicited by local challenge at the site of the injection of the transfered serum, suggesting that the metabolite of the drug acted as an true antigen. 6. There was no significant difference between drug-sensitive and non-sensitive subjects in laboratory findings such as liver function test, blood pictuve, serum protein pattern, and intradermal skin reactions with diluted solutions of histamine and compound 48/80. Drug-sensitive subjects had the same incidence of positive intradermal skin test with an extract from house dust or raqweed pollen as normal subjects. No definite data suggesting a characteristic disposition of drug-sensitive subjects were obtained by laboratory examinations. From these results, the authors would like to express that it is the most important theme for elucidation low-molecular of the mechanism of drug hypersensitivity why human body has an ability to recognize weight chemical substances as an antrgen.
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1969-07-30
奥村 浩
竹田 浩洋
村中 正治
竹田 浩洋
鈴木 修二
奥村 浩
小泉 一弘
- 第5回セロトニン研究会討議録並に研究報告
- 263 Diesel-exhaust particulateのマウス抗スギ花粉IgE抗体産生におけるadjuvant作用の検討
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