Induced Skin-Sensitizing Antibodyに関する研究
- 論文の詳細を見る
1) Induction of skin-sensitizing antibody in human subjects was attempted with parenteral administration of a commercial ACTH preparation. Twenty units of depot porcine ACTH (ACTH-Zn, N.V. Organon, Holland) was injected to 33 asthmatic patients, 24 rheumatoid patients and 18 control subjects, once every week and repeated successively till 8 times, so far as the intradermal reaction to 2×10^<-3> u./ml ACTH solution remained negative. In the asthma group, especially in the inhalation-test-positive subjects, sensitization with immediate type reaction was achieved more easily. On the contrary, most of the rheumatoid patients were less easily sensitized. 2) Delayed type skin reaction appeared more frequently in rheumatoid group, however without statist tically significant difference. 3) Skin-sensitizing antibody producing capacity was also examined in several cases of hematopoietic diseases and dysgammaglobulinemias. Sensitization was achieved in 2 of 3 cases of acute myelocytic leukemia, 1 case fo γG type myeloma, 1 case of ataxia-telangiectasia associated with marked decreasein γA globulin and several other patients. No skin reactivity was evoked in 3 cases of malignant lymhpoma. 4) Anamnestic response was observed on skin-sensitizing antibody production. 5) Positive PK reactions were proved in 16 cases among 38 tested subjects. Antibody responsible for PK reaction was thermolabile and showed strong affinity to normal human skin, negative precipitation in agar gel, negative tanned hemagglutination and negative PCA reaction in guinea pig. 6) For the purpose of investigating possible difference between naturally produced reagin and artificially induced skin sensitizing antibody, the sera containing the both antibodies were fractionated with DEAE cellulose column chromatography and distribution of the above mentioned two skinsensitizing antibodies was compared, which were demonstrated by PK reactions to the corresponding antigens. No evidence was obtained suggesting difference between them. 7) Some evidence was presented suggesting that the antigenic substance responsible for immediate reaction in man is a contaminant in the ACTH preparation.
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1967-05-30
- 263 Diesel-exhaust particulateのマウス抗スギ花粉IgE抗体産生におけるadjuvant作用の検討
- 38. 気管支喘息の全療法に関する研究(第1報) 二重盲検法による治療効果の判定(喘息 (治療))
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- 34.薬剤過敏症に関する研究(第9報) : 薬剤過敏症におけるcarrier proteinの検討(薬剤アレルギー)
- 55. 薬剤過敏症に関する研究(第8報) : 重症例におけるPK中和試験成績の検討(薬物アレルギー)
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- 182)薬物過敏症に関する研究 第6報. : Simple chemical compounds による感作実験.
- Induced Skin-Sensitizing Antibodyに関する研究
- 6 気管支喘息患者の抗体産能の研究(II喘息)(第16回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- 84.ACTH 負荷による皮内反応陽転経過の比較観察(VIII-1 皮膚反応)
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