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Repository injection method has recently developed in the field of hyposensitization therapy, which aimed tohave an advantage over the conventional aqueous antigen method in saving time of troublesome multiple injections and also in increasing the effect of the therapy. This report was designed to check whether "Drakeol" (mineral oil) or "Arlacel A" (emulsifying agent), two constuitents of adjuvant often used in this method, produce any pathological changes in the parenchymal oragans. Twenty-nine mice were given "Drakeol", "Arlacel A", or both, intraperitoneally, for 6-12 weeks, and histological changes of the liver and kidney were examined. Absorption of these substances from the peritoneal cavity proved good; no visible remainder was seen in any mice when they were sacrificed. 0.05 ml. of Drakeol and 0.05 ml. of Arlacel, given once a week, could not induce any pathological changes both in the liver and in the kidney after 6 weeks' administration. In case of repository injection, if they are employedonce or twice in the form of emulsified antigen of 0.5-1.0 ml. at most the total amount of the individual adjuvant constituents injected into the human body is estimated not more than 1.0 ml. (taking body weight into consideration, equivalent to not more than 0.0004 ml. to a mouse). Therefore it is considered that incomplete adjuvant in such a dose would give no considerable damage to the liver or kidney of the injected person. In larger doses both Drakeol and Arlacel gave rise to liver damage. Drakeol had tendency to induce degeneration of liver cells. 0.6 ml. of Drakeol (a weekly dose of 0.1 ml. for 6 weeks) caused swelling of the liver cells partially accompanied with coagulation necrosis of the neighbouring liver cells. After a total dose of 1.8-2 ml. was administered, abnormal fatty tissue was observed over the surface of the liver and mesenterium, and liver cells were under vacuolar degeneration. Abnormal fat deposition was not demonstrated in any kind of cells by Sudan III staining. Arlacel A was prone to cause infiltration in Glisson's capsules, which appeared only after the sum total of 1.8-4.2 ml. was administered. Deposition of yellowish red colored substance was demonstrated in the interstitium of Glisson's capsules by Sudan III staining. No remarkable changes were observed in the liver cells. When Drakeol and Arlacel were given simultaneously in large amount, both degeneration of the liver cells and inflammatory changes in Glisson's capsules occurred at the same time. No pathological changes were induced in the kidney by either of two even after the largest dose was given. No mice died or suffered from arthritis during the course of this experiment.
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 第5回セロトニン研究会討議録並に研究報告
- 263 Diesel-exhaust particulateのマウス抗スギ花粉IgE抗体産生におけるadjuvant作用の検討
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- (171) 薬剤過敏症に関する研究(第7報) : Simple Chemicals Allergy における Carrier Protein の意義の検討(薬物アレルギー)
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- 171.薬剤過敏症に関する研究・(第7報) : Simple Chemicals AllergyにおけるCarrier Protein意義の検討(薬物アレルギー)
- 182)薬物過敏症に関する研究 第6報. : Simple chemical compounds による感作実験.
- 6 気管支喘息患者の抗体産能の研究(II喘息)(第16回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- 薬物過敏症の統計的観察 : 薬物過敏症者372人の調査成績
- 50.薬物過敏症に関する研究(第4報)(第13回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- 67. 蛋白同化ステロイドと抗体産生(第12回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- 気管支喘息の減感作療法(第14回日本アレルギー学会総会特別講演)
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- Adjuvantの肝障害性について
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