Comparative Study of DS86 and ABS93D (Atomic Bomb Survivors 1993 Dose)
HOSHI Masaharu
Res. Inst. Radiat. Biol. Med., Hiroshima Univ.
Ito Chikako
Hiroshima A-bomb Casual. Council
Department of Cancer Cytogenetics
Kamada N
Department Of Cancer Cytogenetics Research Institute For Radiation Biology And Medicine Hiroshima Un
Kamada Nanao
Kamada Nanao
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Survivors Relief Foundation
Hoshi Masaharu
Res. Inst. Radiat. Biol. Med.
KASAGI Fumiyoshi
Radiation Effects Research Foundation, Hiroshima
Kamada Nanao
Research Institute For Radiation Biology &medicine Hiroshima Univ.
Kamada Nanao
Department Of Hematology Research Institute For Nuclear Medicine & Biology Hiroshima University
Res. Inst. Radiat. Biol. Med. , Hiroshima University.
Matsuura Masaaki
Res. Inst. Nuc. Med. Biol., Hiroshima Univ.
Shimokata Hiroshi
Res. Inst. Nuc. Med. Biol., Hiroshima Univ.
Ikeuchi Minoru
Res. Inst. Nuc. Med. Biol., Hiroshima Univ.
Res. Inst. Nuc. Med. Biol., Hiroshima Univ.
MABUCHI Kiyohiko
Radiat. Effects Res. Found.
Fujita Shoichirou
Radiat. Effects Res. Found.
Dale L.
Radiat. Effects Res. Found.
ITHO Chikako
Hiroshima A-bomb Casual. Council
Shimokata Hiroshi
Res. Inst. Radiat. Biol. Med. Hiroshima Univ.
Ikeuchi Minoru
Res. Inst. Radiat. Biol. Med. Hiroshima Univ.
Kamada Nanao
Dept. Of Cancer Cytogenet. Res. Inst. Rad. Biol. &med. Hiroshima University.
Kamada Nanao
Res. Inst. Nuclear Med. Biol. Hiroshima Univ.
Kasagi Fumiyoshi
Radiat. Effects Res. Found.
Matsuura Masaaki
Cancer Institute Japanese Foundation For Cancer Research
Matsuura Masaaki
Division Of Bioinformatics Genome Center Of The Jfcr
Hayakawa N
Department Of Epidemiology Research Institute For Radiation Biology And Medicine Hiroshima Universit
Hayakawa Norihiko
Research Institute For Radiation Biology &medicine Hiroshima Univ.
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