^<137>Cs in soil samples collected at early survey of Hiroshima atomic bomb
HOSHI Masaharu
Res. Inst. Radiat. Biol. Med., Hiroshima Univ.
静間 清
Hoshi Masaharu
Res. Inst. Radiat. Biol. Med.
Hiroshima Prefectural College of Health and Welfare
Kure University
Facul. Eng. Hiroshima Univ.
Hasai Hiromi
Faculty Of Technology Hiroshima University
Iwatani Kazuo
Faculty Of Technology Hiroshima University
Okano Masaharu
Association Of Radiation Effects
Oka Takamitsu
Kure Univ. Kure Jpn
Hasai H
Department Of Electrical Engineering Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University
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