Comparison of radon doublet alpha spectra measured in water using chi-square and maximum likelihood methods
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Radon doublet alpha spectra were measured in water using the chi-square and maximum likelihood methods and the measurement results were compared. Radon measurements were made with a high-resolution alpha liquid scintillation spectrometer ORDELA 8100AB. The chi-square method introduced significant systematic deviations in cases of low-count statistics whereas the maximum likelihood method yielded good results in all cases. Thus, radon concentration in water can be determined more accurately using the maximum likelihood method.
- 弓削商船高等専門学校の論文
- 2002-02-28
静間 清
温 小瓊
Institute Of Modern Physics Chinese Academy Of Sciences
Shizuma Kiyoshi
広島大学 工学研究科機械システム工学専攻
濱中 俊一
静間 清
濱中 俊一
General Education
静間 清
Applied Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University
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