Intracranial Cystic Hemangiopericytoma : Case Report
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A rare case of intracranial hemangiopericytoma associated with a large cyst was treated by gross total removal and local irradiation. The tumor has not recurred for 16 months, although the effectiveness of radiation therapy for hemangiopericytoma is unclear. Histological examination of the tumor specimen showed aggregation of the microcystic components, possibly contributing to the cyst formation. Hemangiopericytoma should not be classified as meningioma because of the different neoplastic and cytological properties. Complete surgical removal is essential for this tumor because of its malignancy.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1991-04-15
Departments of Neurological Surgery
Nagahiro Shinji
Department Of Neurosurgery Institute Of Health Biosciences The University Of Tokushima Graduate Scho
KURATSU Jun-ichi
Department of Neurosurgery, Kumamoto University Medical School
USHIO Yukitaka
Department of Neurosurgery, Kumamoto University Medical School
Kuratsu Jun-ichi
Department Of Neurosurgery Kumamoto University Medical School
Kuratsu Jun-ichi
Department Of Neurosurgery Faculty Of Medical And Pharmaceutical Sciences Kumamoto University Gradua
Department of Neurosurgery, Kumamoto University Medical School
SETO Hiroshi
Department of Neurosurgery, Kumamoto University Medical School
UEMURA Shozaburou
Department of Neurosurgery, Kumamoto University Medical School
Ushio Yukitaka
Department Of Neurosurgery Kumamoto University Hospital
Ushio Yukitaka
Department Of Neuropsychiatry Surgery Osaka National Hospital
Kuratsu Jun-ichi
Department Of Neurosurgery Faculty Of Medical And Pharmaceutical Sciences Kumamoto University
Seto Hiroshi
Department Of Environmental Health And Toxicology Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Public Health
Nagahiro Shinji
Department Of Neurosurgery Kumamoto University School Of Medicine
Ito Yoshihiro
Department Of Neurosurgery Kumamoto University Medical School
Kuratsu Jun-ichi
Department Of Neurosurgery Shimonoseki Kosei Hospital
Uemura Shozaburou
Department Of Neurosurgery Kumamoto University Medical School
Itoyama Youichi
Department Of Neurosurgery Kumamoto University Medical School
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