First-Principles Study of the Electronic Structure of Na_xH_yC_<60>
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XVe investigated theoretically the electronic strtmcttrre of' a nexv C60 based stzpercondtuctor,Na.H.C,3g wlaere x 'v 3.6 azad 017 " l, to provide criteria that enable one to identify xvlaicla oftxvo possible phases, lNa3HC(30and Na.jHC(;g, is irtaportant to the strpercondtrctix'ity. Stttdyingthese txvo plaases by ttsing the first-jcriraciples calctrlations, xve ['otrnd reua'xatrk?tble dif['er'ences in theelectronic structtrres betxveen thenta, especistl[y in t[ae parti?tI densities of states and the 11L1Cl821Fqtmadrtrpole irnteraction of' "N2[. XX'e propose tla..nt t.hese qtmantities can xvork 21S the criteria forthe ident,ification.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-08-15
Institute of Materials Science, University of Tsukuba
Institute of Materials Science, University of Tsukuba
Suzuki Shugo
Institute Of Materials Science University Of Tsukuba
Institute of Molecular Science
Inokuchi H
Inst. Molecular Sci. Okazaki
Inokuchi Hiroo
Institute For Molecular Science
Suzuki S
Mie Univ. Tsu
IMAEDA Kenichi
Institute for Molecular Science
NAKANO Chikako
Institute for Molecular Science
Imaeda K
Institute For Molecular Science
Nakao Kenji
Institute Of Materials Science University Of Tsukiba
Nakao Kenji
Institute Of Materials Science Uneversity If Tsukuba
Nakao Kenji
Institute of Materials Science,University of Tsukuba
Suzuki Shugo
Institute of Material Science, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan
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- Raman spectra of the organic conductor, (TTM-TTF)I2.47.
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- Band structure of DEBP(TCNQ)4.
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- Reflection and photoconduction spectra of the single crystals of perylene-TCNQ 1:1 and 3:1 molecular complexes.
- Crystal structures of complexes between hexacyanobutadiene and tetramethyltetrathiafulvalene and tetramethylthiotetrathiafulvalene.
- Electronic structure of (BEDT-TTF)CuCl2 complex.
- A BEDT-TTF complex including a magnetic anion, (BEDT-TTF)3(MnCl4)2.