X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopic Study on the Electronic States in the Mixed System between Charge-Transfer and Mott-Hubbard Type Metals : Co_<0.91>S and V_<0.91>S
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In order to study the change of the electronic states i'rorn the charge-transfer(CT) type metalto the lVIott-Hubbard(IVIH) one, X-ray photoenuission spectra are measured on the Nips-type(Coj .V.)0.91S (I< 0.50) and V0.91S. The asytnnuetry parameter a for S 2s and 2p core levelspectra decrease with increasing x. This result indicates that the local density of states of Satoms at the Ferrni level decreases as x increases; the systeun changes from the CT-type metalto the MH-one with x. The change in V 2p line shape with I suggests the possibility of theconsiderable hybridization between V 3d and S 3p in (Coj .V.)0.9IS at lower x region. Thisfeature would be related to the appearance of the extra peak at binding energy E3 : 2 -3 eV inthe valence band X-ray photoemission spectra.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1996-05-15
Department of Physics and Department of Complexity Science and Engineering, University of Tokyo
的場 優
Matoba M
Department Of Applied Quantum Physics And Nuclear Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Kyushu
ANZAI Shuichiro
Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
MATOBA Masanori
Faculity of Science and Technology,Keio University
Anzai S
Department Of Applied Physics And Phyaico-lnformatics Keio University
Anzai Shuichiro
Faculty Of Engineering Keio University
Motohashi Teruki
Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Abe Shuya
The Research Institute For Iron Steel And Other Metals Tohoku University
Fujimori Atsushi
Department Of Complexity Science And Engineering And Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
的場 優
Mamori Takeshi
Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Faculty of Science and Technology,Keio University
Hayashi Keiso
Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University
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