X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopic Study of Impurity Effect and d-Band Formation Induced by the Substituted 4d Transition Metal Atoms in Ni_<1-x>Rh_xS
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The effect of Rh substitution on the electronic structure of charge transfer type compound NiS is studied by XPS. We find the following results. (1) A narrow band is newly superimposed on the main peak (d^8L__-) of NiS in the valence band region and its width increases with x. (2) The peak position and the line shape of Rh 3d core level spectra are very close to that of Rh metal. (3) The S 2s and the S 2p_<3/2> core level peaks shift toward higher binding energy (E_B) with increasing x. (4) The Ni 2p_<3/2> core level main peak (d^9L__-) shifts toward lower E_B with increasing x. (5) The E_B separation of the Ni 2p_<3/2> main and satellite peaks decreases as x increases, while the relative intensity of the latter peak to the former one increases. We suggest a tentative model that a Mott-Hubbard type metallic d-band is superimposed on charge transfer type host NiS, and that this contributionis one of the electronic origin for dT_t/dx<0 reported previously. The origin of the metallic band is attributed to the Rh-Rh and/or Ni-Rh interactions in Ni_<1-x>Rh_xS.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1993-03-15
的場 優
MATOBA Masanori
Faculity of Science and Technology,Keio University
Anzai S
Department Of Applied Physics And Phyaico-lnformatics Keio University
Anzai Shuichiro
Faculty Of Engineering Keio University
Motohashi Teruki
Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Fujimori Atsushi
Department Of Complexity Science And Engineering And Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
Mamori Takeshi
Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
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