Simulation of Domain Growth in a System with Random Impurities
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1993-08-15
Department of Electronics Engineering, Nagoya University
Iwai Toshiya
Department of Physics, Tohoku University
Iwai Toshiya
Department Of Applied Physics Graduate School Of Engineering
- Preparation of Y-Ba-Cu-O Thin Films by the CVD Method in a Vacuum-Evaporation-Type Reactor
- Systematic Measurement of Critical Current Density for Narrow YBa_2Cu_3O_y Lines
- Numerical Analysis of Influence of Surface Barrier on Current-Voltage Characteristics for Narrow Superconducting Lines
- Universal Scaling for the Jamming Transition
- Submicron Patterning Technique for YBa_2Cu_3O_y Films Using Focused Ion Beam Lithography
- High-Quality Nb/AlO_x-Al/Nb Josephson Junctions with Gap Voltage of 2.95 mV
- Addenda to "Kinetic Theory of a Dilute Gas System under Steady Heat Conduction"
- High-Speed Demonstration of SFQ Circuit Based on Cell-Based Design Method
- Design and Demonstration of Pipelined Circuits Using SFQ Logic(Special Issue on Superconductive Electronics)
- Characteristics of Interface-Modified Josephson Junctions Fabricated under Various Etching Conditions
- Interface-Treated Josephson Junctions in Trilayer Structures
- Non-Gaussian Velocity Distribution Function in a Vibrating Granular Bed(General)
- Planarization of the Yba_2Cu_3O_ Base Electrodes in Trilayer Josephson Junctions : Superconductors
- A Study on the Potential Structure of the Barrier in Ba_K_xBiO_3/Natural-Barrier/Au Structures
- Steady Distributions in Aggregation Process of Sticky Particles
- Overdamped NbN Josephson Junctions Based on Nb/AlO_x/Nb Trilayer Technology
- Anisotropic Etching Process for Submicron Patterning of Nb Using CF_4
- Simultaneous Switching on Vertically Stacked Josephson Junctions with Very Thin Intermediate Electrode
- Magnetic Field Dependence of High J_c YBa_2Cu_3O_/Au/Nb Junctions Using a-Axis-Oriented YBa_2Cu_3O_ Thin Films
- Bismuth Valence Studies of As-Grown Superconducting Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films with T_ from 98 K to 66 K
- High-T_c (95 K) As-Grown Superconducting Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films
- Superconducting Properties of Y-Ba-Cu-O Thin Films Prepared by RF Magnetron Sputtering with a Grid Electrode
- Characteristics of Nb/Al/AlO_x/Al/AlO_x/Nb Junctions Based on the Proximity Effect
- Deposition of Y-Ba-Cu-O Thin Films by RF Magnetron Sputtering with a Grid Electrode: Plasma Parameters
- Fabrication Process and Properties of Nb-InSb-Nb Planar Junction
- Submicrometer-Scale Patterning of Superconducting Nb Films Using Focused Ion Beam
- Fabrication of S-N-S Junction with the Normal Layer of InSb
- Experimental Analysis of YBa_2Cu_3O_x/Ag Proximity Interfaces
- Unique Method of Patterning Superconducting Thin Films by Selective Growth of Y-Ba-Cu-O
- Knudsen Effect in a Nonequilibrium Gas(General)
- NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF HYDRODYNAMICALLY INTERACTING GRANULAR PARTICLES(Session III : Complex Fluids, The 1st Tohwa University International Meeting on Statistical Physics Theories, Experiments and Computer Simulations)
- Y-Ba-Cu-O Superconducting Thin Films Prepared by Flash Evaporation : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Spinodal Decomposition in a Long-Range Exchange Model
- Nonequilibrium Steady State in Vibrating Granular Gases(Oscillation, Chaos and Network Dynamics in Nonlinear Science)
- Contact and Quasi-Static Impact of Hamilton System(General)
- Simulation of Domain Growth in a System with Random Impurities
- A Cell-Dynamics Approach to the Ordering in a System with Quenched Random Impurities
- Theory of f-β law of the power spectrum in granular flows (複雑流体の数理とその応用 RIMS研究集会報告集)
- Numerical Study of Ordering Processes in a One-Dimensional System with Quenched Impurities
- Kink Dynamics in a One-Dimensional Non-Conserved TDGL System with a Quenched Impurity
- Numerical Analysis of Stochastic Resonance by Method of Stochastic Energetics : General Physics
- The Dynamics of Phase Separations in a System with Impurities(Abstracts of Doctral Dissertations)
- Vacancy-Mediated Phase Separation of Binary Alloy
- Simulation of Domain Growth in a System with Random Impurities
- 21aWF-7 The anomalous behavior of the coefficient of restitution in the oblique impact
- Dynamics of Granular Matter