Integrable Boundary Conditions for the One-Dimensional Hubbard Model
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We disctmss the integrable botmndary conditions for the one-dimerasional (10) Htrbbard lVIodelin the fraraaework of the Qtranttrm Inverse Scattering Klethod (QISNI). We trse the ferrnionicR-matrix proposed by Oltnedilla et al. to treat tlae txvisted periodic botrndary condition andtlae open boundary condition. We deternaine tl'ue most general forzm of the integrable twistedperiodic botrndary condition by considering the sytnnuetry nnatrix of the ferrnionic 7?-unatrix. Tofind the integrable open botrndary condition, we shall solve the graded reflection eqtration, andfind tlaere are two diagonal solutions, which correspond to a) the botrndary chen'nical potentialand b) the botrndary magnetic field. Non-diagonal solutions are obtained trsing the synametryztaatrix of the fermionic #-zmatrix and the cox'ariance property of the graded reflection eqtration.They can be interpreted as the SO(4) rotations of the diagonal soltrtioras.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1997-08-15
Shiroishi Masahiro
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science University Of Tokyo
Shiroishi Masahiro
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Universkty Of Tokyo
Wadati Miki
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo University Of Science
Wadati Miki
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Universkty Of Tokyo
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