Numerical Experiments on the Turing Instability in the Oregonator Model
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Nutnerical experiments on the Oregonator model of the Belotrsov-Zhabotinsky reaction with 2variables (activator and inhibitor) are carried out. Influences of an inlaibitory diffusion coefficientand inhibitory initial condition (concentration) on its pattern dynamics are studied for severalvalues of a stoichiornetric factor of the model. As a result, several pattern formation processessuch as decrementally propagating waves and self replicating processes are found by changingthe initial condition of the inhibitor and the stoichiornetric factor under the Turing instability.In the self replicating process, new pattern dynarnics acting as birth and death of waves is alsofound.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1997-03-15
三池 秀敏
山口大学大学院理工学研究科 情報・デザイン工学系学域
Plasma Research Center University of Tsukuba
NOMURA Atsushi
Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University
Sakurai Takahiro
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kobe University
Nomura Atsushi
Faculty Of Education Yamaguchi University
Sakurai Tatsunari
Faculty Of Engineeringn Yamaguchi University
Yokoyama E
Department Of Urology School Of Medicine Kitasato University
Nomura Akihiro
Laboratory Of Nuclear Science Tohoku University
Sakurai T
Department Of Electrical Engineering Ube National College Of Technology
NOMURA Atsushi
Depatment of Cultural and International Studies,Yamaguchi Prefectural University
MIIKE Hidetoshi
Depatment of KANSEI Design and Engineering,(Depatment of Perceptual Sciences and Design Engineering)
SAKURAI Tatsunari
Depatment of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Yamaguchi University
Depatment of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Yamaguchi University
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