The Weakly Nonlinear Stability of the Two-Dimensional Jet and Wake
- 論文の詳細を見る
The nonlinear stability of the two-dimensional jet and wake in slightly supercriticalstates is investigated by making use of the weakly nonlinear theory. Accurate valuesof the coefficients in the Stewartson-Stuart equation are calculated numerically. Bothflows are shown to have supercritical equilibrium states. The side-band instability ofthe equilibrium solutions in the form of plane wave is examined, and they are shownto be unstable. But in numerical solution simulating an access to the equilibrium fromsmoothly localized initial values, any instability and chaotic behaviour have not beendetected.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1986-01-15
Department of Information Science,Sagami Institute of Technology
Mizushima J
Doshisha Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Mizushima Jiro
Department Of Information Science Sagami Institute Of Technology
YANASE Shinichiro
Engineering Mathematics,Faculty of Engineering,Okayama University
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute,Tokai Research Establishment
GOTOH Kanefusa
Research Institute for Mathematical Science,Kyoto University
Fujimura K
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Tokai Research Establishment
Fujimura Kaoru
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Gotoh Kanefusa
Research Institute For Mathematical Science Kyoto University
Gotoh Kanefusa
Research Institue For Mathematical Sciences University Of Kyoto
Yanase Shinichiro
Engineerin Mathematics Faculty Of Engineering Okayama University
Mizusawa Jiro
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Doshisha University
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- Onset of Double-Diffusive Convection in a Rectangular Cavity and Its Generation Mechanism
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