On the Structural Phase Transitions in (C_2H_5NH_3)_2FeCl_4.I.Brillouin Scattering
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The successive phase transitions in the layered perovskite compound(C.1-[.NH.).FeCI. have been investigated through Brillouin scattering. The I-IIphase transition is characterized by a large dynamical critical behavior and a strongLandau-Khalatnikov contribution to the C, elastic constant. In the phases III,TV and V non-critical acoustic dispersion has been observed on the C.. elasticconstant. The present results suggest a tetragonal-orthorhombic-orthorhombicphase sequence :for the I, Ii[ and .I[I phases.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1985-09-15
Fujimura Tadao
Research Institute For Scientific Measurements And Department Of Physics Tohoku University
吉原 章
石巻専修大 理工
Research Institute for Scientific Measurements, Tohoku University
SUZUKI Takashi
Research Institute for Scientific Measurements,Tohoku University
Research Institute for Scientific Measurements,Tohoku University
Yamakami Tsutomu
Research Institute For Scientific Measurements Tohoku University
Yamakami Tsutomu
Research Institute For Scientific Measurements
Fujimura Tadao
Research Institute For Scientific Measurements
Yoshihara Akira
Research Institute For Science Measurements Tohoku University
Suzuki Takashi
Research Faculty Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
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