Quadrupolar Response and Rotational Invareance of Singlet Ground State System;HoVO_4
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Elastic properties of holmium vanadate, HoV0., have been investigated by meansof an ultrasonic method. The elastic constants C.., (C.. -C..)/2 and C.. exhibitedremarkable softenings possessing minimum points around 13.5K, which atecharacterized by the quadrupolar responses for the singlet ground state system. Appl-ing magnetic fields along the tetragonal c-axis, the elastic anomalies of (C.. -C..)/2and C.. associated with the level crossing of the singlet ground state at about 10.6 Thave been found. The rotational invariance effect has been revealed in the C.. modeunder magnetic fields along c-axis.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1986-05-15
Tamaki Akira
Department Of Applied Science Tokyo Denki University
Fujimura Tadao
Research Institute For Scientific Measurements And Department Of Physics Tohoku University
Goto Terutaka
Research Institute for Scientific Measurements,Tohoku University
Research Institute for Scientific Measurements,Tohoku University
UNOKI Hiromi
Electrorechnical Laboratory
Tamaki Akira
Department Of Physical Therapy School Of Health Sciences Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Unoki Hiromi
Electotechnical Laboratory
Goto Terutaka
Research Institute For Scientific Measurement
Tamaki Akira
Research Institute For Science Measurement Tohoku University
Fujimura Tadao
Research Institute For Scientific Measurements
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