Elastic Properties in AuCu_3-Type Samarium Intermetallic Compounds
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The elastic properties of the samarium intermetallic compounds, SmX. (X=Pd,In, Sn, Tl, Pb), with the AuCu,-type structure have been investigated by means of theultrasonic measurements. The characteristic softenings in the elastic constants reflecting the F. ground state have been found and analyzed in terms of the strain suscep-tibility. The rotational invariance effect of the C.. mode in SmPd, is also presented.[ultrasonic, SmX.(X=Pd, In, Sn,11, Pb),crystalline electric field, quadrupolar ]l moment, strain susceptibilityl
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1989-03-15
Department of Physiology, Hyogo College of Medicine
Liu Bo
Department of Surgery, Weill Medical College of Cornell Univesity
Liu Bo
Data Storage Institute
Liu Bo
Data Storage Institute 5 Engineering Drive
Tamaki Akira
Department Of Applied Science Tokyo Denki University
Fujimura Tadao
Research Institute For Scientific Measurements And Department Of Physics Tohoku University
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Tohoku University
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Tohoku University
Goto Terutaka
Research Institute for Scientific Measurements,Tohoku University
Kasuya Tadao
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tohoku University
Kasaya Mitsuo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tohoku University
Kasaya Mitsuo
Departmentof Physics Tohoku University
Endoh Daizo
Chemical Research Laboratory,Showa Denko K.K.
Tamaki Akira
Department Of Physical Therapy School Of Health Sciences Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Endoh Daizo
Chemical Research Laboratory Showa Denko K.k.
Goto Terutaka
Research Institute For Scientific Measurement
Liu B
Data Storage Institute
Liu Bo
Department Of Cellular And Molecular Biology Cancer Institute Of Hospital Peking Union Medical Colle
Liu Bo
Data Storage Institute 5 Engineering Drive 1
Goto Tsuneaki
The Institute Of Solid State Physics Tokyo University
Fujimura Tadao
Research Institute For Scientific Measurements
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