Electrical, Magnetic and Structural Transitions of BaVS_3
- 論文の詳細を見る
The electrical resistivity, the magnetic susceptibilit} and the unit-cell dimensionsof BaVS. with the BaNi03-type structure were measured between 4 K and 300 K.A crystallographic transition f'rom hexagonal to orthorhorn.bic (035 to Dfi), thatmakes the -V"-V"- chains slightly zigzagging, was found at 258 K. Theresistivity measured on sintered samples, however, increased very sharply belowabout 70 K. This sharp increase ha.s been supposed to be due to an an.tiferromag-netic ordering which was suggested by a. sharp peak at 74 K of the susceptibilityvs temperature curve and was confirmed by the M6ssbauer effect of a samplecontaining "Fe-im.purity.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1977-09-15
SHIMADA Masahiko
Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University
Department of Physics, Toho University
Takano Mikio
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Konan University
WADA Takahiro
Institute for Solid State Physics,The University of Tokyo
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Konan University
Shimada Masahiko
Institute Of Multidisciplinary Research For Advanced Materials Tohoku University
Shimada Masahiko
The Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research Osaka University
The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University
KOSUGI Hitoshi
Department of Chemistry,Faculty of Science,Konan University
Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research,Osaka University
Nakanishi Norihiko
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Konan University
Kosugi Hitoshi
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Konan University
Koizumi Mitsue
The Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research Osaka University
Wada Takahiro
Institute For Scientific And Industrial Research Osaka University
Shimada Masahiko
Institute For Advanced Materials Processing Tohoku University
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